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Visoje Lietuvoje nuo 300€

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+370 652 09 611

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From 39,00 €/day inc. VAT
Įranga skirta susukti poliams nuo 685mm iki 2000mm
✔ Su įranga gali dirbti vienas asmuo.
⚠ Sukant didesnius polius, ar didesnį kiekį ar į kietą gruntą reikia dviejų asmenų.
Įrangą sudaro:
✔ Reduktorius su elektriniu suktuku
✔ Galva pagal pasirinktą polių tipą
✔ Aliuminė alkūnė,kaištis alkūnei.
✔ Grąžtas perforatoriui (kliūčių žemėje šalinimui).
✔ Įrangos surinkimo instrukcija.
✔ Vežėjų lipdukai įrangos grąžinimui po darbų.
What electric tool is needed for screwing the reducer?
Regardless of the quantity, we always recommend using a more powerful screwdriver or perforator or taking breaks to prevent the tool from overheating.
A perforator is most suitable since the rental kit includes a drill for checking the screwing point for obstacles.
How to return rented equipment?
When you receive the equipment, you will also get two return labels. After finishing the work, make sure to pack all the equipment into the box and apply one label on the tool box and the other on the support beam.
You can take the equipment to your city's Venipak pickup point, or call us and we will arrange a courier to pick it up from the same address it was delivered to.
How long does it take to install one screw foundation?
Consider the time needed for preparation, as a single screw foundation typically takes 3-10 minutes to screw in, assuming no obstacles.
About 50 units of 1000mm screw foundations can be installed per day.
Visoje Lietuvoje nuo 300€
Delivery / Pickup
+370 652 09 611
Secure and convenient payment
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